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InputDaddy 2.0 build 209

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Status: Published: of May 2020.



InputDaddy_2_0_209.Zip Checksums

MD5: 69B39E1502DDA220EED77B5FF5510E47

SHA1: E6181748A43C272F97BD3157A2B0024D839A0145

SHA256: 4AFDAB520FF89063B987D08BCBF16DC3B8E3FA83B3698CD09EABCBCB8711AC1D



Do you type a lot, or would you like a fast, easy-to-use alternative to entering the same data and clicking the same buttons over and over again?

InputDaddy is a keyboard and mouse automation tools that lets you automate mundane or monotonous tasks on a windows computer. InputDaddy is intended for IT non-professionals that just want the job done without having to learn new script codes and tools. Through an intuitive user interface InputDaddy lets you create new automation scripts with ease or execute existing ones. The interactive debugging capabilities of InputDaddy lets you see what is going on at any point during script execution. Making it much easier to figure out what is going wrong with your script.


InputDaddy is free for personal, non-commercial use and has no limitations or nag screens:


Record and playback keyboard and mouse gestures. Modify or save recorded scripts.

Send one or multiple keystrokes to the currently active windows application.

Send one or multiple mouse commands to the currently active windows application.

Send dynamic content using environment variables.

Script editing, execution and stepping.

Saving and loading Scripts.

Mouse-tool for easy MouseMove or move relative commands.


Requirements: Windows, .Net 4.7.


Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.


InputDaddy Tutorials and documentation






HashBuddy 1.0 Build 34

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Status: Published: of May 2020.


HashBuddy_10.Zip Checksums

MD5: 887CAA5798164B20DCE7A3A5EEAC59B7

SHA1: 57CDC1B015F9FFB2A36E0CA30D27EAC0CB579236

SHA256: FA3A9FA784DFA532D363E9C9753E456F98444FD6DABBE5AD44229D0194248544



HashBuddy is a tiny utility program that creates MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 checksums for any file. The Checksum is a good anti tampering measure and ensures anyone downloading software, documents or pictures from your website has a code to verify that the content hasn't been tampered with, for applications/executables this is particularly important.


HashBuddy is free for personal, non-commercial use and has no limitations or nag screens:


HashBuddy creates checksums/MACs for verification of your downloads.

HashBuddy can create either MD5, SHA1 or SHA2 (SHA256) checksums.

HashBuddy handles files of any size.

Select the cipher you want to use for HashBuddy or leave it at SHA256 for best security.

Open the file you wish to create a checksum for and the checksum will automatically be displayed in the output field.

Selecting another cipher for an existing file will instantly show the new checksum for that file.


Requirements: Windows, .Net 4.6.


Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.


What are Hashing algorithms?







Status: Published: 4. December 2011. Retired: November 2017.



DinAndel is a non-commercial knowledge management and content management system for boards and board members in danish "AndelsForeninger". The technical platform is SilverLight and additionally a pure html shadow is autogenerated for search engines in order to crawl the content. Rainbow Consult developed all parts of the backends and frontends using PHP web services and mySQL database as backend store.



DinAndel er et ikke kommercielt website rettet mod bestyrelser og bestyrelses arbejdet i en andelsforening. Den tekniske platform er SilverLight men en skygge version i ren HTML er tilgængelig for søgemaskiner. Rainbow Consult har udviklet den samlede client/server løsning fra bunden, der er ingen parts teknologier eller komponenter involveret. Backend teknologien er PHP web services, der anvender mySQL database og JSON til serialisering.


Du kan se mere om en tekniske baggrund bag websitet her.











SendKeys Simple 1.0

Status: Published: January 2016.


SendKeys.Zip Checksums

MD5: C801A71FDBA2E4DC0BF88D2D359CF87B

SHA1: C18FCAD8D3AC233B33022AEFCB36B05BB1B88FA0

SHA256: 70B8FD803DB77AC22DA8314CB9DB31963F2F3E3C330FB9A9A545772BD5F9C0CF



SendKeys is a tiny utility program that sends keystrokes to itself thereby keeping a windows session alive, preventing the system from logging you off or locking the workstation after a period of inactivity.


This version contains the following features:


Automatically pauses key sending when the application loses focus or is deactivated.

Automatically resumes key sending when the application regains focus or is activated.

You can reposition the window by dragging anywhere inside it.


Requirements: Windows, .Net 4.5.


Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.







BrickPeek version 1.2

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Status: Published: July 2014. Checksums

MD5: 4D3A56AF1E2B2BCDE6819ED4B623A2F2

SHA1: FD00AF165D46883F44A928CEAD2A47C622B4E8D1

SHA256: D6C2665600DF0A381FBA2DD278720317A2D957BB633B702060B6A06A58AF563F



LEGO© MINDSTORM© EV3 brick explorer. Allows the user to connect, browse and manipulate the contents of the Mindstorm Brick memory structure. BrickPeek is a .Net application written in C# using WPF to style the look and feel of the UI.


BrickPeek is free for personal, non-commercial use and has no limitations or nag screens:


Connection Dialog to connect using USB, Bluetooth or WIFI.

Tree-based browsing, a la windows explorer.

Lazy loading and caching of folder content.

Folder commands to create and delete folders, collapse nodes and refresh contents.

Simple Options and persistence of user options.

File operations to Upload, Download, Delete or view a file.

Byteviewer to view and tag content in hex, decimal, text or binary format.


Requirements: Windows, .Net 4.5 and a ready EV3 brick.


Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.







BrickPeek version 1.0

Status: Published: 1. June 2014. Checksums


SHA1: B14875E4C06A8B1F0D22842BCDE7AC6B57EC2594

SHA256: 1DC66554DDA60575D06B35A07E2B2494A898EAA967C944E08B789062077A344B



LEGO© MINDSTORM© EV3 brick explorer. Allows the user to connect and browse the contents of the Mindstorm Brick memory structure. BrickPeek is a .Net application written in C# using WPF to style the look and feel of the UI.

BrickPeek uses the Lego.Ev3 API for brick connectivity and basic command support but implements its own system commands to navigate the folder structure. This is done using the communication API of the EV3 native brick firmware (ver 1.03 as minimum) and requires no driver install or voodoo to work.


In this initial version the following is supported:


Connection Dialog to connect using USB, Bluetooth or WIFI.

Tree-based browsing, a la windows explorer.

Lazy loading and caching of folder content.


Requirements: Windows, .Net 4.5 and a ready EV3 brick.


Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.



LEGO© and MINDSTORM© are trademarks of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.